
Showing posts from October 8, 2017

Bitcoin, Chinese Conquest and the Financial Houdini.

Bitcoin is annoying. Yes! annoying to people like JP Morgan’s CEO Jamie Dimon and a lot of acquaintances of mine who keep praying that my being bullish about Bitcoin will blow up in my face some unfortunate day. But I doubt if they will ever get to see that day if the blockchain technology remains as it currently is or gets better. About two months ago when Bitcoin fell from a high of about $4,300 to $2,600 a lot of sneering and sniggering erupted behind my back. Total Market Capitalization of the Crypto Currency Market plummeted from a high of $180,000,000,000 to about $126,000,000,000. In Nigeria the price of Naira to Dollar Bitcoin crashed from N380 to about N360. Many “I told yous”  and “this is the end” messages were flying around my cyber space. Some were even happy to place a call to tell me the end had come. That period I sacarstically made a statement on my facebook page thus: “Do not buy Bitcoin in 2017……so that Bitcoin can buy you in 2027” as is usual wit