This Currency is 132 times plus richer than the Whole World.

After being bombarded with offers to buy TBC, I decided to carry out a small research on it but the headline below stopped me one quarter of the way
==The value of TBC increases Everyday by 1 - 5%
And its value doubles every two weeks. How is this possible mathematically.5% daily means 35% weekly, every two weeks will mean 35%* 2 = 70%.
I thought "double" would mean 100% !
== TBC doesn’t need a market to produce its value.
So the promoters manufacture the value?
== TBC is a true and complete decentralised crypto currency with a total coin circulation of 1 Billion coins.
Wow! so how many people are running the nodes that make it decentralised? How many nodes are there?
At 500 Million coins today it means TBC has a market capitalisation of $56,000,000,000:00 while Bitcoin has a market cap of $19,969,084,809 in essence it has 2.9 times the market cap of bitcoin....Hmmm! It is so phenomenal that nobody in the main media is talking about it. Awesome!
At 2.5% daily interest rate compounded for 365 days each TBC from the current price of $4,176 (3 Bitcoins) will be worth $ 34,274,518.15 (Thirty Four Million Dollars (plus) each)
At 5% daily interest rate compounded for 365 days each TBC from the current price of $4,176 (3 Bitcoins) will be worth $ 226,388,650,429.06 (Two Hundred and Twenty Six Billion Dollars (plus) each) This is the final wealth transfer guys ainit? That is if the money is coming in from investors in Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury etc. The simple fact is that this world does not have the money to buy the 500,000,000 TBC in circulation by 2018.Why?
Simply because the value of 500 million TBC under the 2.5% daily scenario in 365 days will be 500,000,000 * 34,274,518.15 = $ 17,137,259,076,470,500.00 (17 Quadrillion dollars plus)
With TBC growing daily at 5% compounded, total value of 50% of TBC in 365 days will be 500,000,000 * 226,388,650,429.06 = $113,194,325,214,529,000,000.00 (One Hundred and Thirteen Quintillion Dollars plus). I just got to know about this numbers today.
Here is the snag.....Total Global wealth as at Nov. 2016 stands at $256 Trillion Dollars with an annual growth rate not exceeding 1.5%.
It means under the 2.5% scenario if we (the whole World) sell everything we have plus TBCiers, Bitcoiners, Central banks, Stocks, real estate, all our food, all our clothes, in fact all our everything down to cattle dung we would need to sell our world 66.9 times to be able to meet the value of half of TBC.
Under the 5% daily scenario the world would need to grow its wealth by 442,165.33 times to equal the value of the 500 million TBCs in circulation. In percentage terms, the world would need to grow its wealth by 44,216,533%
Meanwhile today, less than 300 days to its achieving that growth, Nigerian and Fillipino TBC Billionaires are busy looking for buyers for their TBC at N5,000 as against the market price of ($4,176 * 460) N1,920,960:00 i.e. a discount of 99.73%.
We have effectively raised a new generation of Philanthropist that will no doubt eclipse Gates, Carlos, Buffet, Ortega and the other elite in the Forbes world richest.

Cryptocurrency might have potential for many things, but sustainable magic is not one of the potentials.
If you do not understand it PLEASE leave your money in the bank, in a worst case scenario NDIC will pay you insurance.

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